Hi there. Ok umm what should I call myself. Um maybe 한늘 which means sky in Korean. (Haneul) Its not really my real name but it's something I like. Its pretty. Anyways.... I gotten mad at my crush named.... oh crap now what should I call him? ok this will do. 소년 will have to do which means boy. Anyways back to it. I gotten mad at him because he told my friend Maree I asked him out when I never did. So I went around screaming with my friend about why I like Korean dudes. By the way here lol listen to this
Omg this song got me like. :P Don't ask!
Oh and I should have mentioned. I am learning korean. I am in acting. I crochet. I also have a youtube. I am going to Korea one day to study drama. I have been in a 48 hour film festival. I am not going to put the movie on here.